26 April 2008

Jen & John Mayer??????????

Charles Bell, gerente do Michael's Genuine Food & Drink em Miami, contou à revista PEOPLE que abriu o restaurante para a atriz Jennifer Aniston e o músico John Mayer na última quinta-feira. "Não posso especular sobre qual o tipo de encontro era, mas eles pareciam felizes e estavam se divertindo", disse. Ainda segundo Charles, Aniston pediu salada de frango e Mayer um sanduíche, do qual 'Jennifer comeu um pedaço', e dividiram a sobremesa de chocolate.
Ainda consta que os dois se sentaram de frente um para o outro, com as cabeças próximas, entretidos em uma conversa particular em uma tenda que durou aproximadamente 1 hora e meia. Mais tarde naquele dia, John e Jennifer jantaram juntos no restaurante Casa Tua, onde ficaram até aproximadamente 1 hora da manhã e saíram de braços dados.
(Tradução: Juliana)
Jennifer Aniston had a late private lunch with musician John Mayer in a Miami restaurant that opened Friday afternoon just for them, and then the couple spent a lengthy dinner together Friday night. When it came to lunch, "I was happy to accommodate them," says Charles Bell, general manager of Michael's Genuine Food & Drink in the Miami Design District, which opened its doors for the pair early at 3:30 p.m. for the 90-minute meal. Aniston, in Miami shooting the movie Marley & Me with Owen Wilson, ordered a chopped chicken salad, while Mayer had a Serrano ham sandwich which "Jen ate some of," says Bell. For dessert, they shared a chocolate-and-peanut-butter layered treat. Sitting across from each other in a booth, their heads were close together, and they were engaged in a private conversation, says Bell. "I can't speculate on what kind of meeting it was but they looked happy and seemed to have a great time," he says. The same also seemed to be true later in the day, when the two were seen at Casa Tua on South Beach. With his arm around her, Mayer, 30, and Aniston, 39, left the restaurant a bit before 1 a.m. When they returned to their hotel, they were observed holding hands. "We are very discreet here," the manager of Casa Tua told PEOPLE after the two had departed. "That is why we have celebrity guests."


Jennifer Aniston1 said...

Deixo bem claro que não fiz esta tradução e sim a recebi por email de uma amiga, apenas corri atrás da matéria em inglês.
Portanto, estou dando o crédito a tradução a Juliana e a amiga dela que amam a Jen e tbm se empenham para que sempre as notícias cheguem mais rápido para todos os fãs.

Anonymous said...

Gente... qto pretendente pra Jen!!!
Owen, Orlando e agora o maravilhoso do John Mayer!!!
Poderia ser verdade... mas deixem que a Jen escolha!!!