27 November 2008

Jen rejeita pedido de casamento de John / Jen rejects Mayer’s marriage proposal

Jen teria dito não a um pedido de noivado de John Mayer. De acordo com publicações, a atriz acha que o namoro está ótimo deste jeito e não quer que nada mude entre ela e Mayer. "John disse à Jen que ela é a garota certa para ele. Ele ficou super feliz quando ela o aceitou de volta, no mês passado, disse que está mudado e que quer casar e ter filhos”, contou uma fonte próxima ao casal. "Mas, quanto ao pediu de casamento, ela disse que não queria. Jennifer acha que está tudo perfeito nesse momento e pretende curtir o namoro por mais tempo", completou.

Jennifer Aniston has reportedly turned down John Mayer's marriage proposal. After a recent reunion, the rocker had popped up the question. However, the ‘Friends’ star rejected the proposal over fear of "damaging their relationship". “Jennifer said no when John asked her. She told John that everything is so perfect between them right now, they shouldn’t ruin the focus of their relationship,” the ‘Herald Sun’ quoted a source, as saying. “A wedding would be so stressful and Jennifer just wants to enjoy this phase, falling madly in love and getting a thrill if the other one texts when they are apart,” the source added. However, Aniston’s ‘no’ hasn’t effected Mayer’s spirits. He’s determined not to let her decision affect their romance, and still thinks they have what it takes to go the distance. The source added to ‘Look magazine’ “John told Jennifer she is the girl for him and he is sure of it. He is willing to do anything she wants as long as they are together. He is like a different guy. “John was over the moon when Jennifer took him back last month and he never wants them to be apart again. He really wants to settle down with her. He wants children, marriage - the whole thing at some point.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jen é muito madura p/cair nesta de novo!!! Naum existe principes!!!