13 November 2008

Jen - The Oprah Winfrey Show - Nov 12

Depois de falar sobre seu passado em entrevista à revista “Vogue”, Jennifer Aniston voltou a dar detalhes de sua vida pessoal. A atriz participou do programa da apresentadora Oprah Winfrey na quarta-feira (12) e elogiou o ex Brad Pitt, com quem foi casada por cinco anos. “Ele tem feito coisas maravilhosas nos últimos anos. Ele está indo muito bem”, disse a atriz que comentou ainda que está feliz com o relacionamento do ex. "Parece que meu envolvimento com ele aconteceu há uns cem anos". Aniston, que supostamente reatou com o cantor John Mayer, também aproveitou para reforçar o que havia dito à "Vogue": “Eu sempre tive muita sorte no amor”. Capa da “Vogue” de dezembro Jennifer Aniston surpreendeu o público ao quebrar o silêncio sobre o fim de seu relacionamento com Brad Pitt e o envolvimento do ator com Angelina Jolie. Durante participação na atração comandada por Oprah a atriz comentou o desabafo feito à publicação. “Eu basicamente respondi da forma mais sincera que eu pude”, disse a atriz se referindo ao fato de ter afirmado que a atitude de Angelina Jolie em ficar com Pitt “não foi legal”.
Jennifer Aniston gushed about how happy she was for Brad Pitt in a taped interview with Oprah Winfrey Wednesday. "He's done some amazing things in the last couple of years," Aniston said. "So I just think he’s doing great." She also sent well wishes for Pitt and Angelina Jolie. "Jen said she is very happy for Brad and Angelina," "She said she is over the relationship and feels like it happened 100 years ago." It's a far cry from the Vogue interview released Tuesday, in which Aniston called Jolie "really uncool" for hooking up with Pitt while they were still married. ("[The Vogue interviewer] asked me a question and I basically just answered it as honestly as I could," Aniston told Winfrey.) The olive branch was extended a little further: Even though Aniston's Marley & Me opens on the same day as Pitt's The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, she wished him success. "We all want our movie to do well...Can we have a tie?" Aniston joked. Aniston also brought up current beau John Mayer. "I've been unbelievably lucky in love," Aniston said. "It just might not look the way it's supposed to look at this point." (In Vogue, she said "People need to mind their own business!" on their nine-year age difference.) "She was glowing and very excited about the relationship," Niveen Atieh, who watched the taping, told a site. Just one week ago, Pitt filmed an episode of Winfrey's show. When asked if he's the happiest he's ever been, he replied "Dare I say." He also said he'd "probably" have more kids with Jolie, although her rep tells Usmagazine.com she's not pregnant now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Te admiro Aniston!!! Mas pare de falar no ex... isso só fortalece ainda mais a Angelina!!!