12 August 2011

"The Stiller Foundation" w/ Jen

Jennifer Aniston está ajudando as instituições de caridade de Ben Stiller, “The Stiller Foundation” , embora só ela não saiba disso! Em um novo vídeo engraçado, o ator de 45 anos, pergunta qual nome ele deveria dar a sua organização sem fins lucrativos, que fornece oportunidades educacionais para crianças de todo o mundo. Após ter algumas idéias, incluindo "The Cross Ben", "No Child Left Ben-Hind", "So You Think You Can Donate" e "Touched by a Ben-Gel", ele resolve dar o nome de “Fundação Jennifer Aniston” e SeeJenniferAnistonNaked.com! (VejaJenniferAnistonPelada.com!) (Tradução: JA1)
Jennifer Aniston is lending a helping hand to Ben Stiller’s charity The Stiller Foundation - though she just doesn’t know it! In a new funny video, the 45-year-old actor wonders what he should name his non profit organization, which provides educational opportunities for children around the world. After tossing around ideas, including “The Ben Cross,” “No Child Left Ben-Hind,” “So You Think You Can Donate,” and “Touched by a Ben-Gel,” he settles on the Jennifer Aniston Foundation and SeeJenniferAnistonNaked.com! (Source: JustJared)

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