13 January 2011

Jen está dando conselhos amorosos a Taylor Swift? / Is Jen giving Taylor Swift love advice?

Uma nova notícia surgiu que nos bastidores do People's Choice Awards, Aniston se aproximou de Swift e disse para ela se "manter firme" depois que Jake Gyllenhaal terminou o seu romance super divulgado. Aniston e Gyllenhaal são bons amigos, apenas seria verdade que Jen quis dizer a Sra. Swift que "tudo vai ficar bem" e apenas "saia e divirta-se"? Bem, está aqui o que realmente aconteceu com as duas ex-senhoras de John Mayer: "Não, isto é tudo mentira", disse o representante de Aniston. "Jennifer ficou apenas 20 minutos no People's Choice Awards. Ela chegou, apresentou e entregou o prêmio a Adam [Sandler]; e em seguida teve que ir a outro compromisso". Ainda adiciona o representante de Jen: "Ela nem viu a Taylor lá". Como todos sabemos, algumas vezes, os representantes têm uma tendência em esticar a verdade, para melhor interesse do seu cliente, mas podemos assegurar que a acessoria de Jen está correta. Tivemos também, impecáveis fontes nos bastidores e Jen, de fato, deixou o Nokia Theater após dar o prêmio a Sandler. Jen e Taylor nem se cruzaram. Ao invês disso, Taylor ficou com Selena Gomez e Cory Monteith, antes que ela também fosse embora, para a festa da CoverGirl em West Hollywood. (Tradução: JenniferAniston1)
A new report dishes that backstage at the People's Choice Awards, Aniston approached Swift and told her to "hang in there" after Jake Gyllenhaal pulled the plug on their über-publicized romance. Aniston and Gyllenhaal are good pals, mind you, so is it really true that Jen wanted Ms. Swift to know "everything will be OK" and to just "go out there and have fun"? Well, here's what really went down with John Mayer's two ex ladies: "No, it is not true at all," Aniston's rep tells us. "Jennifer was only at the People's Choice Awards for about 20 minutes. She arrived, presented Adam [Sandler] his award and then had to go to another commitment right after." Adds Jen's rep: "She did not even see Taylor there." As we all know, sometimes reps have a tendency to stretch the truth just a tad in their client's best interest, but we can assure you Jen's rep is correct. We had impeccable sources backstage, too, (read here for a Robsten recap), and Jen did indeed leave the Nokia Theater right after giving the award to Sandler. Jen and Taylor didn't see each other at all, let alone goss backstage. Instead, Taylor mingled with Selena Gomez and Cory Monteith before she too was whisked away from the venue to attend the CoverGirl party in West Hollywood. (Source: E!)

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