20 January 2010

John Mayer: Mente Suja e Coração Solitário / Dirty Mind & Lonely Heart

Desde que rompeu com Jennifer Aniston, John Mayer, tem se virado como pode, e começou apelando para as "próprias mãos". Em uma série de declarações à revista “Rolling Stone”, Mayer confessa que está obcecado por masturbação. “Tenho me masturbado sempre que tenho problemas”, confessa ele, com a maior naturalidade. “Sou da nova geração de masturbadores”. Para John Mayer, todos os homens podem resover seus problemas, ou ao menos amenizá-los, se dedicarem alguns minutos para o que chamou de "exercício". É assim que ele está tentando se curar da perda de Jennifer Aniston. “"Eu nunca realmente superei isso. Foi um dos piores momentos da minha vida", contou ele. “Jen é f...”. John confessou também, que terminou o romance, porque não se imaginava com Jen para o resto da vida.
John Mayer may be the king of the confessional Twitter, but all his 140-character missives about spectacular bowel movements don’t measure up to the explosion of deeply personal details he reveals to Erik Hedegaard in the new issue of Rolling Stone, on sale at your local newsstands now. The 32-year-old singer-guitarist admits he prefers Continuum to his 2009 disc Battle Studies (”I know that I’m supposed to say that my newest is the best one. Bullshit,” he says), that he hasn’t stopped thinking about his split with ex-girlfriend Jennifer Aniston (”I’ve never really gotten over it. It was one of the worst times of my life”) and that his sex life has become an endless loop of new girls rejecting him in clubs (”Blowing me off is the new sucking me off!”). Mayer’s in the midst of a massive 10-year record deal and enjoys the pleasures of late-night weed-and-video-game sessions, as well as his $20 million vintage watch collection, but what he truly wants, he tells Hedegaard, is to finally find a a female companion. But not just any girlfriend — Mayer is after “the Joshua Tree of vaginas.” “I’ll be happy when I close out this life-partner thing,” he says. “Think of how much mental capacity I’m using to meet the right person so I can stop giving a fuck about it.” Grab the new issue for Mayer’s full advice for Tiger Woods (”I have masturbated myself out of serious problems in my life”) and more on his journey from bedroom guitar player to the most angst-ridden playboy in rock. (Source: Rolling Stone)