Elas são boas amigas! Courteney Cox comemorou seu 45º aniversário com Jennifer Aniston, Laura Dern e alguns outros amigos no "Bouchon" em Beverly Hills, de acordo com o site da People. O barulhento grupo bebiam vinho tinto e branco, e a aniversáriante comeu bife durante a celebração que durou três horas. O grupo todo cantou parabéns pra você para Cox e brindaram várias vezes durante a noite. Uma hora, uma fã mais animada se aproximou de Aniston e pediu uma foto, mas ela gentilmente negou.
She has good friends! Courteney Cox celebrated her 45th birthday with Jennifer Aniston, Laura Dern and a few other pals at Bouchon Beverly Hills. The rowdy group drank red and white wine, and the birthday gal ate steak during the three-hour celebration. The group all serenaded Cox and toasted several times during the fun evening. At one point, an excited fan approached Aniston and asked for a picture, which she kindly obliged. (People)
She has good friends! Courteney Cox celebrated her 45th birthday with Jennifer Aniston, Laura Dern and a few other pals at Bouchon Beverly Hills. The rowdy group drank red and white wine, and the birthday gal ate steak during the three-hour celebration. The group all serenaded Cox and toasted several times during the fun evening. At one point, an excited fan approached Aniston and asked for a picture, which she kindly obliged. (People)